What is RoSync?

That’s the unfortunate part about all this. Even though moderation exists and things do get moderated, people with malicious intent are going to find a workaround. Hopefully, reporting them as soon as they’re found will help with keeping them to a minimum.


Just a few minutes ago I noticed RoSync and a require in the script I was literally writing. I quickly looked this up and yep, I had a malicious plugin. Creator Studio makes legit looking plugins just to make them malicious, never install a plugin from them and make sure you always install plugins from verified creators and rethink giving permissions to plugins.


this thing is a plague that has infected hundreds of plugins(ones that sometimes work!!!). Someone is putting in the time and effort to make decent-mid plugins just so they can backdoor games.


I really want this, Can I have the module? Its kind of useful if you ask me

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I’d deleted this before I deleted my entire GitHub, I also do not have a local archive of it, I only have archival storage of code after 2022, so sorry about that :slight_smile:

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Mhm it is, Proof:

My guy really forgot to remove his dizzy user: Jerome#1018 Lol. ( for anyone that wants to contact him :person_shrugging: )

Obfuscated code, Do not try to open it, Just try to save it to ur computer and open the .txt or .lua file and u can read it but its obfuscated sooo yea here no virus plugin completely checked by me: Load Character Lite - Roblox

Original one lol that guy really just added script for thing so yeah this original ^

OOOOOOOOOOKee congrats you have found the original not fake one lol

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Do you have a copy of the module script, it seems to be moderated, and I would like to see what the contents were.


RoSync is a virus. I thought it was a roblox feature but i was really wrong, I knew it was a backdoor.


To this day, many years later, infected plugins are still in the marketplace even after multiple reports. Every once in a while I find these scripts in my games or games of friends. These can leak or sell your intellectual property.

Why haven’t these been deleted yet?

Malicious plugin - Light Editor uploaded by Creator Studiо and gregg3
Malicious plugin - Load Character uploaded by PluginMakers and PluginsAreCool
Malicious plugin - Roundfy uploaded by PluginMakers and PluginsAreCool

They have been uploaded in 2020

Managed to delete it at once from the game by doing a regex replace:

  • CTRL + SHIFT + F to open the Find All / Replace All window
  • Enable Regular Expressions by pressing the .* button.
  • Type this in the Find: --\[\[.*Last synced.*\]\]--
  • Let the Replace empty and press the button Replace All

Thankfully I believe all the scripts used by the RoSync backdoor have been taken down, but if any haven’t, I think they should be reported here.

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most likely a backdoor.
I dug through it and apparently it prompts all the users that arent the creator to buy gamepasses or something, those gamepasses have been deleted though…

Thank you for saving me from having to go through each and every script. :blush:

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if the module has been content deleted [with a require() error saying " Downloading asset failed for asset id X. Is the asset id correct and is the asset type “Model”?" due to the require failing] would it still moderate or affect my game?

im nervous about it

No it would not. Since the asset has been deleted it means its gone and won’t be inserted in your game and for now Roblox does not let you re-upload these deleted assets so their IDs are gone forever.

I recommend removing them anyway since I hate seeing these errors in the console.

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Screenshot 2024-12-25 113825
use Find all found script cuase

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RoSync actually stole my entire game. They initiated owner transfer ship. To a random user. :sad: Best to stay away.

That’s definitely your own doing. Rosync is basically a serverside backdoor executor it doesn’t have access to anything outside of the game. You might’ve clicked a link somewhere else and gotten your account details stolen.

Actually. It was them. I apparently uploaded the wrong image mesh, and it contained my personal info such as my passwords. Then yeah, I set the ID in the script. A few moments later, my ROBLOX account is gone.