What is the Best Officiant Way to Save Data

Yes, he understands it. With competence and an understanding of the basic Lua syntaxes, anyone could understand it. If neither of those are the case for you, as he said, you’re not ready to learn them. Otherwise, the Wiki page offers the “best” way to save data.

If you have a specific problem that the Wiki does not cover, then ask away.


Yes, completely. Is there a specific thing on that page that’s confusing you? If the entire page truly is Latin for you, you are not yet ready for data stores.


If the interface for data stores is too complex for you, then you might want to use a module that simplifies things a bit. Try using Stravant’s PlayerDataStore module: Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub (wiki link)

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I second this. That module is a great way to use Data Stores without expansive knowledge on how they actually work. If you can’t understand how to use that module, you should probably focus on learning fundamentals of scripting and come back to data storage later.