What is the best platform used to make logos?

So recently I’ve decided I want to start making logos.
What are the best platform’s used to make logos, and GFX’s?
Also do you have any suggestions?:wink:


I’d recommend Illustrator or another vector-based graphics application for logos because you want to be able to export them at any size without losing quality.


I usually use Blender to make GFX and Adobe Photoshop to edit them and make logos. In my opinion these two apps are the best of their genre…

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When I do occasionally make GFX it’s always with Blender, it’s free & it’s the best.

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Thank you for your help! :wink:


As much as I love it, definitely not Paint.net :sob:


Hello! Greetings I also started making logos and doing GFX, for logos I use photoshop and for the GFX I used c4d for rendering and photoshop to decorate it. You can see what I made with photoshop here: Opinions on my watermark

Lol, thanks for the help. :wink:

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Thank you. I’ll definitely try them out within the next few hours.

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I definitely recommend using Adobe Illustrator and Affinity Designer for icons. If you are making GFXs, use blender or C4D for rendering and use Photoshop or Affinity Photo for editing. (Everything apart from blender is not free)