What is the best way to create bullet detection?

oh my bruhness this is such a bruh moment

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games like counterstrike and other FIRST PERSON shooters cast a ray from the center of the players screen to the crosshair, but in third person like yours, you would need to cast a ray from your guns barrel to where your cursor is.

bullet detection and bullet visualization should be seperate systems

So you mean like newRay = Ray.new(Barrel.Position, Mouse)
Btw Mouse is Mouse.Hit.p coming from a local script

tbh I forgot that a ray stops when it finds something ( I think)

yeah in your old system, youre launching a bullet from and then ray casting in a direction, ur bullets might spasm and face in a unwanted direction

Gotchu Ill remake it and update you on how it goes Thanks

You’ll probably want to use workspace:Raycast in the new system, FindPartOnRay is deprecated