What is the best way to learn how to animate characters?

I am trying to learn how to do animations for r15 characters but I have no idea where to start. Anyone got any suggestions that could help? And if you are experienced in this, is it difficult?

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Just use youtube. Best thing I got. :slight_smile:

If you are trying to learn animation. I recommend this video. It should teach you about the 12 principles of animation. I am somewhat experienced in animation and it is hard at the beginning but it gets easy as you become more experienced. I hope I helped you.

There are many sources that you could learn to animate characters: are you looking for softwares or the Roblox built animation editor? I’ll try using moon animator if your more of a beginner and just starting out.

If your willing to learn how to animate characters inside alternative softwares i would try experimenting with using “Blender”, it’s a free open source for making animations if you ever wanted to step a bit further. You’ll learn the ropes around the software and workflow, there are thousands of open resources even tutorials available to help you along the process.

Try using moon animation suit is another plugin you could possibly check out it has some controls and tools that you’ll get a hang of, i’m curious it’s similar to the moon animator plugin just experiment with variety of selections and see which one your more comfortable with.

Here is a thread related to your question: