What is the best way to make a melee tool damage?

I have tried using ray casting but it did not work well cause the detection was not as big to damage the opponent. I have tried welding a part to the player to use it as hitbox but this is not working well either. What is the best thing to use for it?

I haven’t needed to do this yet, but you may want to use a Region3 as your hitbox. As soon as you receive input that the player is activating the melee tool, run the Region3 code to see if anything accepted is inside the hitbox. You’ll of course have to base the Region3 off of which way the character is facing and its position.

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To add on to it, you’ll probably really like this as it will save you some headache:

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thanks a lot I appreciate it :+1:

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No problem at all, I hope it all works out for ya.

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This might suit your needs. Raycast Hitbox 4.01: For all your melee needs!

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