Greetings! I am making a really customizable Build Mode system, that I even added F3X for the ultimate customization.
However, F3X is the problem.
I know the best way to add the Parts, and only the parts with this:
table.insert(TableToSave.AdvancedParts, {
["PartType"] = Parts.ClassName,
["Position"] = {Parts.Position.X, Parts.Position.Y, Parts.Position.Z, Parts.Orientation.X, Parts.Orientation.Y, Parts.Orientation.Z},
["Material"] = Parts.Material.Name,
["Color"] = {R = Parts.Color.R, G = Parts.Color.G, B = Parts.Color.B,},
["Anchored"] = Parts.Anchored,
["CanCollide"] = Parts.CanCollide,
}) -- I will finish adding all Properties later on.
However, in F3X, there are 2 tools:
and Decorate:
You can already see my problem. I want to add the ability to add these into my Data saving system. How am I able to do this?
If you can help me out, that would be great!
In conclusion
How am I able to go through everything in the AdvancedBuildMode folder, and save its ClassName, and all of their properties? If I am able to save the Parent, that would make this process 100x easier.