What is the best way to save models in DataStores?

Greetings! I am making a really customizable Build Mode system, that I even added F3X for the ultimate customization.

However, F3X is the problem.

I know the best way to add the Parts, and only the parts with this:

table.insert(TableToSave.AdvancedParts, {
	["PartType"] = Parts.ClassName,
	["Position"] = {Parts.Position.X, Parts.Position.Y, Parts.Position.Z, Parts.Orientation.X, Parts.Orientation.Y, Parts.Orientation.Z},
	["Material"] = Parts.Material.Name,
	["Color"] = {R = Parts.Color.R, G = Parts.Color.G, B = Parts.Color.B,},
	["Anchored"] = Parts.Anchored,
	["CanCollide"] = Parts.CanCollide,
}) -- I will finish adding all Properties later on.

However, in F3X, there are 2 tools:

and Decorate:

You can already see my problem. I want to add the ability to add these into my Data saving system. How am I able to do this?

If you can help me out, that would be great!

In conclusion

How am I able to go through everything in the AdvancedBuildMode folder, and save its ClassName, and all of their properties? If I am able to save the Parent, that would make this process 100x easier.

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Here’s a module to save models. I’m not completely familiar with the F3X tools but if they only apply building changes locally, you’ll need to modify the tools to make changes on the server as well.

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