What is the difference between spotlight, and surface light?

I’m trying to make good lighting
But there are these 2 lighting options that look exactly the same.
what is the difference?


If you came here after reading the Developer Hub’s pages on both the SpotLight and SurfaceLight, I’m assuming you need a visualization/reasons to use one over the other.

In the screenshot below, I’m using a SurfaceLight and SpotLight at the same brightness.

Here, the red light is a SurfaceLight, illuminating the entire bottom of the part.

The blue light is a PointLight, emitting from the center of the object.

SurfaceLights will illuminate the entire surface of a part or attachment. SpotLights will emit from the center of the object.

In cases like below, I suggest instead putting the light inside an attachment and setting it to the position you need.

To visualize the emission from the lights in the screenshots above, I used this plugin by Ozzypig:


Thanks I really needed a visualization!


after all the years of me building on roblox, i never knew this… Nice.