What is the highest amount of part limit for a map?

I am making a game that stores the maps in server storage, but I am working on a new map that will have a lot of parts. What is the highest amount of parts for each map that wont cause server lag during the match?

Mostly client-dependency. If a player is using a potato to play your game while a map with high part count is active, expect him to start lagging.

All parts are made up of polygons. Polygons are the surfaces of each face of a part and they render during runtime. Mesh parts tend to have higher count of polygons if detailed.

Density of parts also matter. Players running in certain area(s) might be extra laggier for them, because of physics replication around them.


  • Reusing same meshes do not require a lot of data unlike several unique meshes.
  • Anchor as many parts as possible, less physics stress.
  • Small parts can have collisions off. Collision checks will be ignored and thus causing a performance boost.

Links: Similar topic can be found.

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