What should I add to my shop?

So, I’ve been having a lot of trouble figuring out what to add to my shop. So, first, I wanted to add custom hats, but, I don’t know how to save accessories to a data store. I would make a gear shop, but I don’t know how to save gui to a data store. (Reason why I said the gui part is because, when A player buys the item, depending on how much money the player has, the button will turn into a equip button and I want to save that to a data store. But I don’t know how to.) I would add trails, but I don’t know how to and etc. Should I just give up? Because I can’t find any answers to my problem.

Also, my game is a 2D Platformer.

EDIT: If there are no responses for the next hour, I’m gonna close this post.

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You could instead learn how to save items to a datastore rather than avoiding it?

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You could add fireworks. and also I think you should write about your game so people help you more.
I hope this helps.

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When I had this same issue, I looked for hours for answers and nothing helped me.

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What, saving items to a datastore? There are plenty of material out there that can teach you.

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I already know how to save tools to a data store, but I don’t know how to save accessories. Nor gui.

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What about adding fireworks like one-time use

But what would be useful about fireworks?

just visual effects, but can you tell me about what your game is?

My game is a 2D platformer. In my game, every level gets more challenging. And every time you finish a level, you get currency.

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now I understand ok you’re right fireworks would be kinda useless