What should i use instead of bodyposition?

yea I am. maybe if the bodymovers actually had some problems you can point out, (not differences, as bodymovers can be achieve same thing using some properties and debris service.), I would be on your side but right now I only notice it being faster than non-deprecated linear velocity etc.

As Iā€™ve stated before, things arenā€™t going to get deprecated anytime soon if you keep using them. The purpose of things being ā€œdeprecatedā€ is to give them time for developers to migrate to the newer.

I donā€™t know of any problems with them, I believe you when you say they work better, although I have never used them. Maybe I should try them soon.

I still think that we should use LinearVelocity and the newer movers, they will only get better and better.

I do agree that linearvelocity can get better.

Whenever linearvelocity is faster than bodymovers, than I might move to them. I say might, because, attachments are complex meanwhile part0 and part1 or just part0 are easy to understand and use.

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so what should i use for M1 knockback, for example. or moving the character forward for a short period of time.

Try bodyposition

Instance.new bodyposition.

set the poisition to your direction*1000 I think.
set the body position properties.

then, parent it to the target part. And then, add it to game debris for .1 seconds or 0.01 or 0.05 or something.

but everyone besides you says thats bad are you sure its a good idea

what does depreciated even do fr
just no updates?

Despite what people say bodymovers are faster in physics. I really donā€™t care if you use align position do it the way you want, alignposition or bodymovers. whichever you want both work.

and yea, just no updates.

aight(max chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr)

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i didnt say it canā€™t be used i say its not the superior choice

for me its a better choice because itā€™s faster with physics.

btw heres a video abt the new body movers if ur interested

I know how to use them I do most of the time its just the one case for knockback it didnā€™t work half the time and I used bodymovers the old ones and they worked all the time with better behavior

yea it depends on peoples preferences

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Yea, although itā€™s still a fact old bodymovers do not have replication problems, the main reason my knockback literally could not work with new bodymovers, would have had the same behavior for anybody else.

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