What the blimey could be causing Animation Clip Provider Service errors?

My game has an issue with frequent “Cannot load AnimationClipProviderService” errors, but they’ve been almost impossible to identify. It seems to only occur on mobile, and only sometimes–I can’t controllably reproduce it on purpose. The issue identifying it is that it doesn’t even cause problems–everything works fine! But it can bloat up the console logs so much that it makes other errors hard to identify.

I’ve fixed a few causes of it in the past-

  • It can be caused by playing animations on the same track simultaneously (which would be a mistake in coding)
  • It can be caused by playing an animation before the animated model is in the workspace

But these were easy to identify, and caused problems when they happened.

Does anyone know what could be causing AnimationClipProviderService errors, in a way that only causes the error to appear in the log without actually causing a noticeable bug?

Try to wrap the loadanimation in a pcall, if it fails then tell it to retry.

aren’t excessive pcalls laggy? I’d rather not use it in an animation function that’s used so frequently

I was reading a thread on this a little while back, I think the general consensus was to add a wait to the script before calling the service as a a fix, this is the thread, you may find an answer:

I mean to load the animation, as the error is caused by that.

This occurs in my game infrequently but still every now and then whilst testing, your best bet is to wait for the character appearance to be fully loaded before calling LoadAnimation on anything.

Thank you

I do have this ; I’m not sure what else I’d be waiting for besides this (the game uses custom creature character models)

I don’t know if this was solved or not, but I found a solution. How to fix the "Cannot load the AnimationClipProvider Service." error

ooo interesting, thank you :slight_smile:
I think I found the solution (accidentally didn’t stop the loop when the character died so it was still trying to play animations on their past, now-deceased character) but if that doesn’t fix it I’ll try your solution