What would be best way to create fake water?

I am designing a game-project that will be focused around the sea, bit like Subnautica and I have encountered an issue lately regarding water.

The terrain water that Roblox provides is firstly barely customizable and has It’s own physics to itself.
What could I use to stimulate fake water and such as underwater render distance, brightness and all of that?

Example image of what I’ll be trying to achieve:


You can use trigonemtric functions to recreate waves, Trigonometry: All the Trig Functions

You can also use ColorCorrection when your under water

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Would I re-create waves from many parts as this may affect the performance


You could use mesh deformation to animate the water.
Here’s a topic on this:

Tutorial: Roblox SkinnedMeshes/Deformation Tutorial - YouTube

If you want to take it a step further, you can use changing decals/textures to create a wave animation on the mesh.

For the underwater look, you can edit the game’s fog and lighting. You can even use Blurffect, Bloomeffect, DepthOfField, ColorCorrectionEffect, and SunRaysEffect.