What would be the best way to have an flying enemy?

So I want to have some flying sphere thats being controlled by Bodymovers.

Basicly it should hover over the ground, maybe face nearest player.

I tried it already with Bodyposition and just raycast down to get some distance and then adjust the position with bodyposition, that didnt went well.

I also tried moving it up and stabilizing with BodyThrust and BodyVelocity.
BodyThrust didnt went well, I made a Threshhold and just checked if its above, then go lower and if it is under threshhold go up. If it is in the threshhold then do nothing.

BodyVelocity worked best so far but was not very smooth tbh.

Any idea on how to handle it?
Also would you suggest using a humanoid to get some functions from it? Or use some Values to give it health and such.


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Depends on whether you want it to actually fly or just float above the ground.

If it’s the latter, I wouldn’t even bother using bodymovers. Just rig the model to a Humanoid and give it a rather sizable HipHeight value, then animate it with the default animator plugin.

If it’s the former, I’d use BodyVelocity. Setting the Y value of the MaxForce vector3 to infinity will negate the effects of gravity on the model.


Ill try that , jeah it should fly ^^