I am trying to make a WWZ type of zombie system where they’re able to climb, vault over ledges etc. I havent exactly been able to replicated it too well using systems like SimplePath or the base pathfinding service as they don’t really provide what I think I need.
The case with simple path is that when the Blocked signal is used it is never called even when the ai can no longer compute a path to the player. So what that means is that no matter what I try it will not fire of that signal therefore making the climbing action not happen.
If there is any actual quality resources then please share those with me as I am a little stuck right now.
Well … PathfindingService may not be ideal since it lacks built-in support for dynamic movement over obstacles. A better approach would be to implement a custom navigation system that integrates pathfinding with a state machine to handle different movement states, including climbing.
Instead of relying on Blocked signals from SimplePath, you could implement a raycasting system to detect ledges or obstacles. If a path is not found, the zombie can switch to a climbing animation and move upward manually.
I’ve never made anything like this myself, and this is just a bit of research on the subject.
I have made an “advanced” Pathfinding system by this definition and can understand what this would entail. Basically, a way to change up when it’s needed …
I was using raycasts for the climbing and to check if it should grab a wall or not but of course it was only being called through blocked.
I will of course take what you’ve said into account and I thank you for your help. Anything I want to say in the future I shall reply to the same comment I am now.
So. Ive read into state machines. I feel this is what I have been missing in my life (). I did a little research and came across this module which I will experiment with adding it into a BTree.
I am also opting for NoobPath > SimplePath since the show case comparing the two, noob came out onto due to it working a lot better/efficiently.