Whats the best CURRENT solution to getting a collectible's Best Price

What do you want to achieve?

I want to be able to use a Collectible item’s ID to get their Best Price

What solutions have you tried so far?

I’ve tried finding older things, but they were too outdated, I also tried using:

I don’t know if there are any endpoints available so I’ll propose my solution as a last resort if all else fails. You can probably scrape the item’s webpage. Inside the “item-container” section, there’s a field “data-expected-price” which tells you the expected price (best price) of an item. In the case there’s no resellers (for example Fake Chartreuse Periastron Gamma - Roblox), the price will be 0. Items can’t be resold for less than 1 robux so you know for sure that if an item’s expected price is 0 it definitely doesn’t have any resellers.

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How would I go about scarping it? I’m not the most avanced scripter. So how would I scrape the item’s webpage?

You’d just make a request to the website, it’ll return a string which is the HTML of the website. Just string match for ‘data-expected-price=“a number”’

So I just request to https://www.roblox.com/catalog/itemid Doesn’t this not work inside of roblox games?

It won’t work, right, you need a proxy.

any proxy recomendations that will work?

I’m not sure. Personally I opt to make my own proxy server using ProxyService but some open sourced proxy servers exist (first that comes to mind is roproxy)