PurchasePromptScript: getProductInfo failed because MarketplaceService:getProductInfo() failed because HTTP 0 (HTTP 400 (HTTP/1.1 400 BadRequest)) Make sure a valid ID was specified
On screen prompt errors with ‘Your purchase failed because something went wrong’
What’s the right way to do this - why does Method 1’s output make no sense and Method 2 not work?
Are game passes being depreciated?
Gamepasses have got now their own id (just like developer products). Gamepasses made before the update kept their asset ids (from links), but newer haven’t got them. To prompt purchase you need to call PromptPurchaseGamePass with it’s “gamepass” id. Asset ids won’t work (this is probably reason why method 2 displayed error in your case).
Other things such as 9 gamepass limit aren’t removed.
I use this inside of buttons to display up a way of buying the game pass. Doesn’t seem to not work for me… Although my gamepasses are older than the Sept 14th update.
Also, what is this about being limited to 9 gamepasses? My one game has 14, and 13 of them are accessible to be bought in one place alone.
Thought I would bring this back up, I’m having the same exact problem.
I get an error saying that the gamepass’s ID is less than 0, when in reality it isn’t.
(ID: 873893098)
Output : Internal error while fetching asset type because MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo() argument is not a valid assetId (supplied assetId was less than 0)