Whats the Difference Between Ipairs and pairs?

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    The Difference Between Ipairs and pairs.
  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    I can’t seem get them.
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    I tried to see the difference between them from all sources expect for this and yet I dont get it.

Please show me examples of scripts and show the difference.


ipairs iterates through arrays, while pairs iterates through both arrays and dictionaries.

local array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
local dictionary = {index = "value", key = 2}

-- This won't run because `dictionary` doesn't contain any numerical indices
for i, v in ipairs(dictionary) do
   print(i, v)

-- This will run because `array` is an array (table with numerical indices)
for i, v in ipairs(array) do
   print(i, v)

-- This will run because `pairs` covers both arrays and dictionaries
for i, v in pairs(dictionary) do
   print(i, v)

-- This will also run for the same reason as listed above
for i, v in pairs(array) do
   print(i, v)

However, you no longer need to use ipairs or pairs since generalized iteration was introduced.

-- These both behave and do the same thing

for i, v in dictionary do
   print(i, v)

for i, v in array do
   print(i, v)



oh… So Ipairs and pairs are useless at this point?



local Pointx = workspace.Pointx
local GatherChilderen = Pointx:GetChildren()

for i, v in GatherChilderen do

Why does this give me a erorr, it says Workspace.Bulop.Script:5: attempt to concatenate string with Instance

Instance:GetChildren() returns {Instance}, so you’d just want to do:

local Pointx = workspace.Pointx
local GatherChilderen = Pointx:GetChildren()

for i, v in GatherChilderen do
	print(i.."="..v.Name) -- use `.Name` here

I see thats my mistake.

One more question,

local Pointx = workspace.Pointx
local GatherChilderen = Pointx:GetChildren()

for i, v in GatherChilderen do
	while wait(3) do
		script.Parent.Position = v.Position

So, Im trying to make the part move to all the checkpoints. But the Part isn’t moving but instead going to only one spot which is Checkpoint1. how do i fix it?

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You don’t need to know the difference because they are not needed for iteration anymore.

I think you’d want to do something like this:

local Pointx = workspace.Pointx
local GatherChilderen = Pointx:GetChildren()

for i, v in GatherChilderen do
	task.wait(3) -- wait 3 seconds
    script.Parent.Position = v.Position -- assign the part to this BasePart's position

If your intention is for this to continue forever, then you should wrap the for loop inside of a while loop:

local Pointx = workspace.Pointx
local GatherChilderen = Pointx:GetChildren()

while true do
   for i, v in GatherChilderen do
	  task.wait(3) -- wait 3 seconds
      script.Parent.Position = v.Position -- assign the part to this BasePart's position
   task.wait() -- halt for a single frame
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thanks, It works. your very helpful tbh

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