What's the least laggiest place to store assets and keep them safe?

I have a bunch of morphs that I would like to store somewhere that wouldn’t cause much lag, but at the same time be a place that cannot have it’s contents stolen.

Where’s a place I can do this?

If you are going to morph the player from the server, you can keep them in ServerStorage. Where the player has no access to them.


Regardless, there is no point in actually doing this if these are player morphs. Once you’ve morphed a player, that is replicated to the client and at which point a potential exploiter could in theory “steal” it.

You shouldn’t worry about whether someone could steal it, just the most practical location of having it for your scripts to have it. For example do you use ViewportFrames to generate a preview of the morph? You’re better off putting them in ReplicatedStorage in that case.

This is true! However, the first premise of OP’s post was also a place that wouldn’t cause much lag. It should be noted and taken into consideration that putting lots of morphs (particularly high primitive count morphs) will cause hanging on lower-end devices, even low-end PCs.

For this specific instance, I would personally recommend putting your morphs in the Workspace in an organized fashion - if there are a lot of morphs, and they have a very high part-count. Otherwise, you may get hanging and/or annoying infinite CoreGui yield warnings, due to the game not having fully loaded in time for WaitForChilds (as shown here).

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Oh no, it’s simply an auto-morph feature.

@hello42 To add onto what you said, a combination of object pooling and storing is a good idea if you plan on switching in and out morphs from workspace.

However, if its just one time use, then keep it in replicated storage for sever/client interaction, possibly maybe speedy? Or just serverstorage as recommended before.