When I do #Table it keep saying 0, although it has many contents

I have a table, lets call Table. I have ~16 other tables in it. When i do

for i,v in pairs(Table) do

it’ll print ~16 items.
When i do #Table, it says 0. I have no idea whats wrong. Heres a pic
Here is the output of when i print the contents and at the bottom you can see it says 0 which is the print(#Table)



I think you meant to do print(Table[i]).

So you don’t have to use a pairs loop

for i = 1, #Table do
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The reason this is happening is, keys would not count when using the # operator. For that reason I assume you have these 16 tables set in a dictionarry. Can you send the code or the table’s layout please? Here is a post that explains things really well


Do you mind sending a pic of what you put in the table?

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So I understand now that someone told me it only works for integer indices. So i’ll tell you what i’m tryna do. The table is set via a lot of random stuff so I cant exactly show it so i’ll give an examplek

Table = {
[“Item1”] = {[“blah”] = 1},
[“Item2”] = {[“blah”] = 2}

What I want is to select a random table from within the dictionary thing. So I am doing Table[math.random(1,#Table)] and it is saying that there its empty.

First of all, keys are not presented as integers as you said, so even if you knew how many tables there are, Table[math.random(1,#Table)] isn’t valid, beacuse it’s looking for a random integer, and here we have keys.

I guess here is what you can do!

Use this function to know how many keys there are

function len(tab)
    local sum = 0
    for _, v in pairs(tab) do
        sum = sum + 1
    return sum

And since all the tables are named "ItemN" where N is the number of the table, you can do this

print(Table["Item"..tostring(math.random(1, len(Table)))])

Or you can do simply what @VegetationBush said, but you will need the len function that I gave you to find out how many keys there are

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Im unsure why #Table isn’t working for you though.

But didn’t he say he was getting this whilst printing it normally?

You put a dictionary inside a dictionary inside a table!

Try this:

Table = {
[1] = {[“blah”] = 1},
[2] = {[“blah”] = 2}

What you can do is obtain the needed info from the original table and put them in an array, then use math.random on that array:

local newArray = {}
for index,value in pairs(Table) do
    table.insert(newArray, value["blah"])

print(newArray[math.random(1, #newArray)])

Or you can re-arrange the table differently to make it an array:

Table = {
   {"Item1"; ["blah"] = 1};
   {"Item2"; ["blah"] = 2};
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Yeah I am just gonna have to do that i suppose

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The length operator does not account for string indices in tables. If you wanted to, you can use metatables:

local mt = {
    __len = function(tbl)
      local count = 0
      for index, value in pairs(tbl) do
        count = count + 1
      return count

local Table = {
    ["Item1"] = {1};
    ["Item2"] = {2};
    ["Item3"] = {3};

setmetatable(Table, mt)

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Just a little mistake: __len doesn’t respect tables in the version of lua that’s roblox uses

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