When I export something from blender and upload it to Roblox Studio, it turns into a script

When I export something from blender and use ‘Insert File’ into Roblox Studio, it turns into a Script, with weird stuff such as

# Blender v3.1.2 OBJ File: ''
# www.blender.org
mtllib WhyIsntThisWorking.mtl
o Roblox
v 6.548040 12.448897 -0.113617
v 5.726140 10.923596 0.891783
v 5.730900 10.817596 0.722982
v 6.542230 12.501397 -0.021418
v 6.548040 12.448897 -0.113617
v 5.639380 10.790696 0.547884
v 6.496070 12.430697 -0.204416
v 5.730900 10.817596 0.722982
v 5.529400 10.518296 0.889584
v 5.730900 10.817596 0.722982
v 5.530650 10.638996 1.067583
v 5.726140 10.923596 0.891783
v 5.437070 10.495596 0.696583
v 5.639380 10.790696 0.547884
v 5.730900 10.817596 0.722982
v 5.529400 10.518296 0.889584
v 3.377130 6.539016 2.383284
v 3.202560 3.925336 2.227982

You get the idea. Why is this happening, and how do I prevent this?

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Try this out instead… you cant just insert the file, you either need to import it into your tools through the asset manager or the quicker easier way is through the mesh id like this:

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