When I export something from blender and use ‘Insert File’ into Roblox Studio, it turns into a Script, with weird stuff such as
# Blender v3.1.2 OBJ File: ''
# www.blender.org
mtllib WhyIsntThisWorking.mtl
o Roblox
v 6.548040 12.448897 -0.113617
v 5.726140 10.923596 0.891783
v 5.730900 10.817596 0.722982
v 6.542230 12.501397 -0.021418
v 6.548040 12.448897 -0.113617
v 5.639380 10.790696 0.547884
v 6.496070 12.430697 -0.204416
v 5.730900 10.817596 0.722982
v 5.529400 10.518296 0.889584
v 5.730900 10.817596 0.722982
v 5.530650 10.638996 1.067583
v 5.726140 10.923596 0.891783
v 5.437070 10.495596 0.696583
v 5.639380 10.790696 0.547884
v 5.730900 10.817596 0.722982
v 5.529400 10.518296 0.889584
v 3.377130 6.539016 2.383284
v 3.202560 3.925336 2.227982
You get the idea. Why is this happening, and how do I prevent this?