When union sphere mesh separated it shrinks

In 2017 I was doing a yacht and using a Sphere mesh part for the front of the yacht and it is a complex part and when I separated the sphere it shrieked on both sides in size, as shown in the images and when I tried to union it back it stayed as is

  • Where does the bug happen (www, gametest, etc) Is it level-specific? Is it game specific? Please post a link to the place that exhibits the issue.

SphereMeshes or Balls don’t Union the same as they appear as a Part.

My fix for this is to get the SphereMesh or Ball very close to the size I want it, then Union it by itself to see how it will appear as a Union. You can shrink or expand the Union to match it up with other Parts, or Separate it and try guessing how much resizing it will make it match up when you Union it again.

I’ve brought it up in the past as have others in different threads: Union Bug Using Sphere/Balls

The thing is it is unioned multiple times that its difficult to get it the same if it keep doing this but there must be something wrong for it to shrink because this did not happen when I was doing it

Sorry for the inconvenience I figure it out thanks to this post and thanks to @Scottifly

This can be done by going on Settings Physics and thick DisableCSGv2



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Did it possibly shrink due to having the Resize tool selected and dragging one of the ToolHandles?
I’ve done it and it was a pain, but Undo quickly solves it.

If it wasn’t then just disregard this comment.

No the problem was because this was done back then when the new CSG was not still out so when they changed it it did not match when you separate so all you you have to do is switch back to it as i showed in the solution replay

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