Where do you begin when creating scripts but free models and tutorials are almost useless for your idea?

Many people talk about how they learn to script by looking at scripts of free models or watching an indepth YouTube tutorial. However, what if your idea hasn’t been done on Roblox before or atleast been covered in a free model or tutorial to the point where all the public resources are completely different to what you have in mind?

also not talking about full on copying tutorials or free models, i mean picking out certain parts of them to help increase scripting knowledge.

(hope this doesn’t come off as me being lazy lol)


it really depends on the idea.

I like to formulate what I would like to do. Usually I think about it during a few hours or even days, eventually it comes to me, but sometimes that comes difficult.

I would recommend you look on the DevForum, if your entire idea isn’t completely in a post then I would try splitting your idea into simpler methods, (one function at a time?) and try to combine them until it matches what you want.

I dont want to steal your idea, of have anyone else steal them, maybe if you tell a vague version of your idea (or a completely other random idea) I could tell you what I would do


Consider not limiting yourself to Roblox free models and tutorials.

There are so much other game development resources that doesn’t necessarily have to originate from Roblox.

An example can be realistic plane physics, it’s difficult to find a tutorial on Roblox for it, however there is a unity tutorial on it:

Luckily they give code examples like the only below:

Then you translate it to Roblox Luau equivalents.

.velocity would be equal to .AssemblyLinearVelocity, .cross is Vector3:Cross.

transform.InverseTransformDirection sounds similar to :ToObjectSpace() of CFrame as it converts from world space to local space to obtain localFlowVelocity.

Similary here:
.AddForce in unity would involve using VectorForce as a roblox Instance
.AddTorque would be torque.