Where is Headless Horseman’s Package ID? I’ve searched everywhere

I’ve looked at other threads and the package id was no where to be found. Did Roblox remove it from the bundle API omg? How to make things 100x more difficult. I need the package id so I can load it up. Does anyone know how please?


It took me a while to find the headless horseman package but here is the link: Headless Horseman - Roblox
The id is: 201


Sometimes a simple Google search can prove to be more useful than the Roblox Catalog search.


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Great suggestion for most things, except that’s not what OP is asking (also @waterrunner).

He doesn’t want the bundle ID (the ID in the link), but the old package ID that some API members expect to fetch all assets in a package (now bundle). Having the old package ID that is no longer exposed directly in the link still allows you to fetch the contents of a package.

The solution for this issue is that you should use new API for fetching the bundle’s content rather than trying to fetch package contents. This post describes a solution and a plugin for fetching the contents of a bundle:


Here is the original link to the Headless Horseman which includes the old AssetId. You should convert to using the new Bundle APIs though. If there is any API which is missing for bundles that exists using the old AssetId you can make a feature request.


This thread is about using the catalog id of bundles because the bundle API is supposedly difficult to work with (it is, can confirm) despite that no longer being a proper method of working with bundles. If you’re talking about purchasing, that’s off-topic. Use the bundle link if you’re interested in purchasing this item.

You should be working with the bundle id when it comes to bundles rather than the catalog id. New bundles do not have catalog ids, they are only kept for old ones for compatibility and legacy reasons.