Where must i start learning Coding in Roblox Studio?

Except Part.Is there more?How to know it?

Can you please be a little more clear?

Hmmmm,i mean…Firstly can you explain What is the usage of the code, What is the reason for the appearance of that code ?

local spawner = game.ReplicatedStorage.Part

Usage of the code:
It’s a variable for anything stored inside of ReplicatedStorage. Just replace Part with the name of the object you’re trying to find. An example of this is: local spawner = game.ReplicatedStorage.Attack1.

Reason for the appearance of the code:
To simply shorten the amount of time it takes to type that certain block of code. If you’ve ever checked inside a professional scripter’s script, then you probably know that most of the professional scripters use variables to save time. Though it is optional.

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Thank you so much.Hope i will see more you in the Future.

This , is when your immediate to advanced

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No problem! Ask me for help at anytime.

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