Where to learn scripting fast

I personally learned the basics from DevKings beginner & advanced scripting tutorial series. I had no experience in any programming languages at all and the total time to finish the series and learn the basics took me like a week or less.

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if you wanna learn scripting fast then you gotta be passionate and have goals. these goals can be making projects and stuff. it how i learned and i started getting serious at like the begginning of this year. Edit: ofc you gotta do tutorials im just saying if you wanna master it you gotta apply it

You’re in the right place.

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I’ll be redirecting people to this reply for whoever has these kinds of questions on “beginning to learn how to script” for now.


I know replies will be really unhelpful. If you’re looking to embed it in your intuition: it’ll take a long time to practice and actually get used to. However, that is not the point of this topic.

You can learn it easy and fast by taking the most basic explanations, but you will not get much further since you can’t get specific details like tables, item loops, events, and etc. You will struggle to understand it, and you will struggle to connect, because connecting requires the very deep down to details of the tool that’s exposed to you. More detailed = the more success you will be able to create a script = the more success you will get to have the game out.

Now on to the point:

– There are very few resources that can get you through quickly, but I can summarize and chop it down to the very minimal for you to research (and not have to wander).

  1. The very fundamentals are variables, scope variables (local and non-local), functions, arguments, tables, conditional statements, and loops such as while () do {}, for () do {}, and repeat {} until ()

  2. Functions and Parameters/Arguments are like Algebras in Lua (They’re basically the same, but specifically, parameter is the “placeholder” and argument is the input). Functions and arguments are like f(x) = x + y and it returns the results of x + y. In Lua though, you have to specify the term return.

Full example converted into Lua
-- This is a comment
local y = 4 -- y is 4
local function add(x) -- f(x) = x + y
  local mOut = x + y
  return mOut -- Return x + y
add(2) -- do the add function, input x as 2
  1. If you want to get specific in developing games on Roblox, then you’ll have to learn built-in Roblox functions, instances, properties, signal/events (like if it is clicked or sent an information), services, and tweens/CFrame to move and to set position.

[Reference] This is a key and you should search about it while adding Lua/Roblox in the front.

Gradually as you write the script, you’ll use the Roblox docs guide. For most, people don’t usually just read the whole doc, but only specific things and referencing to things that matters during the game development and fixing issues.

old book but its really nice to learn the fundamentals of lua before nailing luau

ngl i had struggled so much when i tried to learn scripting. I kinda brute forced through 20 tutorials and nothing was sticking. Eventually i just tried to make a game that i could think i could make with the knowledge that i did actually get from those tutorials. When i got stuck, I searched on google (mostly found results on devforum) or i looked on the documentation (or both). And thats why i have 20 projects that i wont finish because i can do better

Wouldn’t this most likely belong in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support?

Here’s How I Learned:

Go for it, Read documentation, break down other peoples code, watch tutorials in other programming languages and try to translate it it luau.

I have been learning a bit of lua recently and found that chatGPT is really helpful.

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