Why are there no open vacancies for remote moderation/ support/ safety workers?

A degree to moderate a platform??

How the hell…

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There has not been a ban wave in three months. The ban waves they issue do not apply to alts and start off banning for only one day. Detection means nothing when they don’t actually enforce any meaningful punishments. Hyperion does nothing to actually prevent tampering, it hasn’t actually stopped exploits for over 6 months now. The Roblox security team is not allowed to directly ban exploiters, you can ping Bitdancer and ask him yourself. They haven’t issued a ban wave in months because of internal disputes.
Their anti-exploit policy is effectively useless. There are over 100x more exploiters now than there were exactly a year ago. This is not an exaggeration, you can check some ban stats here
The security team has failed to keep up with new executors and has failed to issue meaningful punishments.

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Imagine it like this:

Head moderators and volunteer moderators

Instead of hiring a large team of paid moderators, Roblox could hire a smaller group of Head Moderators whose main job is to oversee and manage moderation efforts. The actual moderation could be done by volunteers who are passionate about improving the platform without expecting payment (and I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way).

For every banned user, moderators would provide a short summary explaining why the ban occurred, along with an attachment of the report message.

This approach could significantly reduce the number of corrupt moderators since volunteers would be under the supervision of the head moderation team. The head moderators’ job would also become much more manageable because they wouldn’t have to deal with reports from across the entire platform—just oversee the work of a smaller, vetted group of volunteers aged 18–20.

And let’s not forget the strict verification system I mentioned earlier. By requiring detailed verification, such as identity checks, applicants with bad intentions would likely think twice before even applying.

Additionally, the ban appeal process could be improved. Appeal messages would go to a moderator who was not involved in the original ban decision, reducing the risk of biased reviews and unfair bans.

A ranking system for volunteers would also be a great addition. Moderators could earn ranks over time, reflecting their dedication and performance. The ranks would be managed by head moderators, and volunteers with high rankings and good reputations, earned through consistent hard work, could be given the chance to join the head moderation team.

This system ensures that as the number of volunteers grows, the number of head moderators grows proportionally to maintain proper oversight.

Implementing such a system would help Roblox:

  • Minimize unjust bans
  • Reduce unnecessary expenses
  • Create a more accountable and effective moderation structure


  • Growing number of players = More money for roblox
  • Growing number of players = More volunteer moderators
  • More money for roblox = Greater ability to hire Head Moderators
    and this turns into the loop
    where for each group of the players there is a moderator
    and for each moderator group there is a head moderator or other moderator with higher rank who makes sure everything is fair.

ye that is kinda confusing, right ?
After I get Data Science degree I would not probably work as roblox moderator lol

That would have its own legal problems and face many other problems as well.

It would be very hard for Roblox to force the moderators to work when Roblox wants them to work. It would also be very hard for them to force you to get in a certain amount of hours. Since you wouldn’t be getting payed for the job, and most likely wouldn’t be in any sort of contract, it would be very hard for Roblox to ensure that you are meeting a level of professionalism and are active enough.

As far as legal problems go, the moderator position would be a “job” meaning you would have to be payed for it according to the minimum wages of California. If they allow you to work without pay, Roblox could be sued.

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roblox is already big and its humanly impossible to moderate a site that has millions of daily active users

and also bigger risk of false bans and people being biased towards certain situations

If roblox focused on the stuff you listed not only would they lose alot of money they would also have to make a dedicated team just for that and actively put money and resources into them not to mention how there’s still many stuff that can go wrong (for example false bans since humans are never perfect) also more players would mean roblox would have to spend more money on hiring moderators to keep up with the popularity and even if they did all that it still wouldn’t fully fix the issue like I have mentioned before every platform has issues that you mentioned roblox did go out of there a way to add more parental control features and I personally think that’s good enough because at end of the day its parent’s job to monitor their child’s activity

heres pros and cons of human moderation vs automating the moderation

automated moderation :

  • cant be biased because has no emotions,no feelings everything is 1 and 0
  • cheaper to meintain
  • easier to scale and improve

human moderation :

  • can be biased towards specific situations or get social engineered
  • much more expensive to meintain
  • harder to scale because more users = more content to moderate

even if you were to hire thousands of moderators they wouldnt be able to keep up with roblox due to how active and popular it is

its pretty much all on the parent here for failing to setup any parental controls the platform gracefully gives them

even if there were volunteer moderators with all these checks what stopping someone from causing problems to hundreds of users before anyone higher up notices

That’s because you do not fit in Roblox’s desired pool of cheap, exploitable labour. That being the lower castes of the Indian workforce. These workers originate from impoverished states of India, like Jharkhand, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh; from those states, they travel long distances to work in New Delhi’s wealthy satellite city, Noida.

In the city of Noida, a company called iEnergizer is contracted by Roblox to do the menial labour, that is going through the endless stream of Roblox Support tickets. iEnergizer’s employees have a quota of tickets they have to complete- failure to meet this expectation is punished by wage reductions, longer hours, vocal and physical abuse and lots more nasty shit.

You don’t want to life that these guys do, they are treated like the scum of the earth. There’s no need to believe my word for it as plenty of organisations like the United Nation’s department of labour are documenting the abuse these workers face. Allow me to quote something from an article regarding these workers.

The majority of migrant domestic workers from Jharkhand are live-in workers, many of whom report physical
abuse, use of abusive language, restriction of movement, long hours of work and lack of clarity regarding
actual wages – conditions that denote deception, abuse and forced labour.
