Why aren't some parts of my character turning invisible?

I think I found out what was making the difference!

  1. Select the Workspace
  2. Go to the Properties window
  3. Update the SignalBehavior property to Deferred
  4. Observe that it now works as intended.

In newly created places since late November of 2023, that property is automatically set to “Deferred”, but since your game was created before that, it remained on “Default” (which currently uses the behavior of the “Immediate” setting).

  • *There was an announcement for this change around that time, but the original announcement thread explains more about the feature itself.

    I don’t have the technical know-how to confidently explain how that works and why that enables it to work, but I assume it’s because of the order that the code runs in when in Deferred mode. The loop probably runs every so slightly later on, which seems like it was just enough time to allow it to override whatever the engine was internally doing at that moment for the Character model. However, that’s just my understanding of it, so take that with a grain of salt.

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Cheers mate!

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Thanks for all the other tips, especially about avoiding wait() where possible. I’ll be sure to abide by that golden rule now on.

Btw, just a thought, but if signalBehaviour was on default before nov 2023, does that mean that I would’ve also encountered this issue back then?

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No problem! :smile: Super glad that I was able to help find a solution and explain a whole bunch of other useful stuff in the process.

Most likely, yes. Before responding to your comment, I went into Roblox Studio and tested the code out in an older place that still had it set to default (I know I could have just set it to Default in a new place but I wanted to simulate a more similar scenario), and the “broken” behavior occurred. I guess we are lucky that Deferred SignalBehavior solves that for this use case haha.

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