Why Can't I access a value from a bool but can access another value from another bool from (almost) the same path?

Yea I will give you a test place gimme sec.

But how can I make it so that it only works in 3 directions and not all?

If you can, please send a video of your problem or send screenshots if you can’t use video.

This is the most I can give xD. test8.rbxl (40.3 KB)

Looks fine to me.

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But what is it printing? enableInteractions.Value or playerInRange.Value

The player in range value. It prints so fast because there isn’t a debounce.

What the issue is that, When the game starts, if enableInteractions.Value = true then the script changes the playerInRange.Value, but if I change enableInteractions’ value to false in-game, it still changes the playerInRange.Value, which it should not do according to the script.

Are you changing them on the server or client?

I am not really sure about that, how to check it?

The current client button

Hello I have done the Magnitude version of your script from server here is the file:
MagnitudeTest.rbxl (29.4 KB)

Edited version with coroutine.wrap so every player will now have own thread.
MagnitudeTest.rbxl (29.4 KB)

Btw I used Attributes because I like them more :stuck_out_tongue:.

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Really Thank You All for helping me out a lot, maybe I have found out the problem’s solution. Its that I was doing it on server and not the client.

Thanks for the help you provided by writing it from scratch :slight_smile: but I found the solution :smiley: .

So should I use local script for doing it on the client, right?

Yes glad that you fixed it :slight_smile:! My code suppose to work for the whole server so it will disable the value if nobody is near the Collider.

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I changed the value on the server and it worked. Also changing the value on a local script only registers that change for the client and not the server. Server script will not pick it up

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Now thats what I was looking for :smiley: .

Glad you figured out a solution to your problem! Also wow, 59 posts…

I am also surprised about it as when I created the topic, no one replied for like a hour or so.