Yea I will give you a test place gimme sec.
But how can I make it so that it only works in 3 directions and not all?
If you can, please send a video of your problem or send screenshots if you can’t use video.
But what is it printing? enableInteractions.Value or playerInRange.Value
The player in range value. It prints so fast because there isn’t a debounce
What the issue is that, When the game starts, if enableInteractions.Value = true then the script changes the playerInRange.Value, but if I change enableInteractions’ value to false in-game, it still changes the playerInRange.Value, which it should not do according to the script.
Are you changing them on the server or client?
I am not really sure about that, how to check it?
Hello I have done the Magnitude version of your script from server here is the file:
MagnitudeTest.rbxl (29.4 KB)
Edited version with coroutine.wrap so every player will now have own thread.
MagnitudeTest.rbxl (29.4 KB)
Btw I used Attributes because I like them more .
Really Thank You All
for helping me out a lot, maybe I have found out the problem’s solution. Its that I was doing it on server and not the client.
Thanks for the help you provided by writing it from scratch but I found the solution .
So should I use local script for doing it on the client, right?
Yes glad that you fixed it ! My code suppose to work for the whole server so it will disable the value if nobody is near the Collider.
I changed the value on the server and it worked. Also changing the value on a local script only registers that change for the client and not the server. Server script will not pick it up
Now thats what I was looking for .
Glad you figured out a solution to your problem! Also wow, 59 posts…
I am also surprised about it as when I created the topic, no one replied for like a hour or so.