Why cant i return a instance with RemoteFunction?


local arg1, arg2 = Events.HandleRockThrow:InvokeServer(direction)

Server script:

    local Clone = game.ReplicatedStorage.Pebble:Clone()
	Clone.Parent = workspace
	Clone:PivotTo(plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 1, 0))
	local forceMultipliter = 100 * Clone:GetMass()
	return Clone, forceMultipliter

Error: Players.neviquatro.PlayerScripts.Core:20: attempt to index nil with 'Destroy' - Client - Core:20

Thats odd try putting in a task.wait() to see if ts due to some sort of delay also double check with prints both client and server.

Seems to work ok otherwise, how does your function look like? Same issues as below post?

can you try :RequestStreamAroundAsync() and then :WaitForChild(), in your case first one shouldn’t be necessary tho

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