Why default clothing script dont working

i dont know what point you are trying to make here

Add that and your black list to the other script.

my script does everything that the OP wanted?? i dont need your code snippet.

my script checks to see if the player has no shirt/pants or if they ahve the colored fallback ones. (which will happen with the pants no matter what)

My bad, it saw a list, didn’t see the rest. Works well :smiley:

  1. Connecting Multiple Functions: You don’t need to connect two separate functions to the Players.PlayerAdded event. You can combine them into one function.
  2. Player Character Loading: The script attempts to load the character using plr:LoadCharacterWithHumanoidDescription(DefaultHumanoidDesc), but this method is not recommended for character loading. It can lead to unexpected behavior.

Here’s a revised script that addresses these issues:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

    -- Create a function to give default clothing
    local function giveDefaultClothing()
        local DefaultHumanoidDesc = Instance.new("HumanoidDescription")

        -- Check if the player has pants
        if plr.UserId > 0 and DefaultHumanoidDesc.Pants == 0 then
            DefaultHumanoidDesc.Pants = 240589254

        -- Check if the player has a shirt
        if plr.UserId > 0 and DefaultHumanoidDesc.Shirt == 0 then
            DefaultHumanoidDesc.Shirt = 750876673

        -- Load the character with the default clothing
        plr.CharacterAppearance = DefaultHumanoidDesc

    -- Use a delay to ensure the character has loaded

In this script:

  • We combine the logic for giving default clothing into a single function giveDefaultClothing.
  • We use Instance.new("HumanoidDescription") to create a new HumanoidDescription object to store the default clothing.
  • We use wait(1) to ensure that the player’s character has fully loaded before applying the default clothing.
  • We set the plr.CharacterAppearance property to apply the default clothing.

This revised script should work more reliably for giving players default clothing based on their UserId.

Not working. In output printing " Unable to assign property CharacterAppearance. string expected, got Instance".

Man, its worked.
Have a good day!

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