Why do they partially start disappearing when i use a lot of Particle Emitter?

Hi! I ran into such a problem that suddenly particles began to partially disappear in my game when i use them a lot in the game (this is for example as a function of ParticleEmitter:Clear()). I’m probably wrong, but this is an anti-overload from roblox so as not to overload the game with particles or what is it? (In my particle emitters there is a rate from 100 to 1000)

Have you tried editing its lifetime? If not then edit it and make it infinite so it never finishes.

I am well versed in particle emitters, and I mean that they disappear as if they were turned off and given a function :Clear() so that they completely disappear from the game

Do you have any running scripts that may be clearing your particle emitter? (Check in the tab Find all/Replace All

Particles have a maximum draw limit. It’s 16000 for PC and it’s 3600 for both mobile and consoles. If you have a lot of particles and they’re spontaneously disappearing then you’re hitting the draw limit and need to reduce the number of particles you’re emitting.


Oh thanks for the information, I’ll try to reduce my particles in the game. So for PC players it will be somewhere 7000-8000 and for mobile players 2000 (I will use UserInputService to find out if a player is playing on a PC or on a phone to reduce the number of particles)

Particle amount is capped by your graphics settings. There is a way to get around this however but it can be very performant intensive. Calling Emitter:Emit(x) will emit x amount of particles from that emitter, if you loop this you will achieve the same effect as ParticleEmitter.Enabled.