Why does my game crash for this code


I am wondering why my game crashes for this code i have it to stop at 10 but when it reaches 10 it just lags then says “roblox cant respond” then will never load again

I don’t see anything wrong with this

Thank you

if its a loop then its because there’s no wait.

You need to put wait() because is a loop and is looping every time the part…

How is this a loop? if is a statement, if you look at the source code closely, it’s an if statement, not a loop.

Also why are you encouraging wait()?

Is this the entirety of the code? If so, I see no reason it should crash.

If, however, this code is supposed to be part of a loop, I see the problem. On line 8, I think you’re trying to “end” the loop. In Lua, the “end” keyword is used to denote the end of a scope, that is, the portion of the code between the “then” keyword and the “end” keyword. Since there is no code there, nothing happens when x reaches 10.

What you might do instead is to add the keyword “break” if this is a loop, or “return” if it’s inside a function.
The code at line 8 would then look like this:

if x == 10 then break end

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assuming from his statement how will x overcome 100 it should be a loop unless there’s another script editing that x out i don’t see the reason for it

I made a new set of code that actually works but it doesn’t end at 10

yea you have to add wait when you’re looping or else that’ll crash you

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you threw too many unnecessary words in there do this

local Count = 1
while wait() do
if Count >= 10 then break end

Count += 1

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local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") 

If you need them to be more precise without stopping at server work ups.