Why does my tween not work?

Could you also show the output console and the workspace?


that’s it.

Can you show a photo of the workspace as well.


Okay, upon running the game, does the message ‘tween played’ get sent to the console? If it doesn’t then we can narrow down on what’s causing the problem.

doesn’t print which means, for some reason, the code doesn’t actually run

It doesn’t mean its not running, it just means something is going wrong when the player touches the part.

Can you remove the if statement that checks the debounce and the if statement that checks the player, then run it again and see if that message gets printed.

Can you also show what you changed the code to.

OMG OMG. we’ve got an error.

Can you send an image of what you changed the code to.

i see the error. there’s a random end with the red line thingy. imma try to fix it

You need to remove the 2 ends that don’t have a ) after them at the bottom of your code.

i did and it still didn’t do anything

At this point I have no idea what’s causing your issue. Would you mind downloading your entire game and sending it so I can take a look and play around with it?

sure i guess. i will delete the comment after i give you the file. tell me when you downloaded the file.

Downloaded it, give me 5-10 minutes to take a look through it.

I think I found the source of your issue. It’s quite a funny one actually. Your MoveTrigger part wasn’t anchored, meaning it was just falling into the void.

i am going to literally delete my roblox account. YOU’RE RIGHT FRICCKKKK at least i knew how to code a tween


Sometimes the hardest problems have the simplest solutions :joy:

it works i love you i wanna literally have a mental breakdown helppppp


Bruh, are you serious? :skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull: .