Well that’s the most painful thing to do manually
Strange…I just tested on my Mac as well and they both use the other form.
Yeah, and this is why I suggested using a loop to set the ids instead.
Nvm, I’ve done it already LOL!
I just didn’t have to fill anything in in Replace… and it’s all empty
Alright, testing now, seeing if there’s any difference
Nothing. No image, no errors, no nothing. Same as with rbxassetid.
Oh, I mean using the other format is probably worth a shot anyways.
I just checked and both formats worked. Strange how I never knew that existed.
I believe there is no solution for this.
We cannot seem to find a solution which works for us all…
Could it be cause luck3, luck2, and luck 1 are all in one?
(F.Y.I: They all share the same script, just a bit changed.)
(luck 3: script.Parent.gamble.Triggered:Connect(function()
luck2 & 1: script.Parent.Parent.gamble.Triggered:Connect(function())
You would be getting errors in your output for luck1 and luck2 because the script.Parent does not have a gamble in them.
Wow, the light mode icons look way different. Also, why are they all parented to luck3?
It says script.Parent.Parent, which is luck3.
To make it more comfortable or something, I dunno, lol.
Gosh sorry I missed that piece about the Parent.Parent
Is it setting the Id’s properly or is it just not setting them at all?
Define “properly”, usingthistocreateextracharactersfordevforumnottokillme.
Sorry, didn’t mean to say properly, I meant “at all”
All of them share the same script, but with different wait times. They are setting the same ID’s over and over, yes.
The only difference in those scripts is Parent.Parent
What I meant was if it was actually changing the texture value, could you check in Explorer while the game is running?