Why doesn't it work?

Oh… I replaced the StringValue with a NumberValue and it worked… Thanks :’ )

are you dumb?
if a script gets disabled, it cannot be enabled by the same script. The Hello World only prints because you have it disable itself after it prints… not before.


I see you are 16? I have 15 and yet I am more smart. Will learn to script please <3
Just in case, check in your console, with my tiny script, “hello world” executes several times

Well it’s getting late in France and I have class tomorrow. I leave you my friend

" I have 15 and yet I am more smart"

if you’re gonna try to say you’re smarter than someone, please at least use at least simple grammar.


lol, sorry I’m not English! I use Google Trad for you. If you want, we can speak french ?

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