Why doesn't my animation work?


I have a tool system where if the player uses a tool (in this case a Knife), it gives Swing. It also plays animations. I haven’t been able to find a solution to this problem, and I even tried changing the script from server-sided to client-sided. Both versions are below.


local details = script.Parent.Details
local debounce = false
local tool = script.Parent
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()

local anim1 = tool.Animations:WaitForChild("LiftAnim")
local animtrack1 = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):LoadAnimation(anim1)

local anim2 = tool.Animations:WaitForChild("IdleAnim")
local animtrack2 = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):LoadAnimation(anim2)

	if not debounce then
		debounce = true
		print("Anim: Played")
		plr.leaderstats.Swing.Value = plr.leaderstats.Swing.Value + details.SwingAmt.Value
		plr.LevelStats.XP.Value = plr.LevelStats.XP.Value + details.XPAmt.Value
		print("Gave Swing")
		debounce = false



Normal Script:

local details = script.Parent.Details
local debounce = false
local tool = script.Parent
repeat wait() until tool.Parent.Parent:IsA("Player")
local plr = tool.Parent.Parent
local character = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()

local anim1 = tool.Animations:WaitForChild("LiftAnim")
local animtrack1 = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Animator:LoadAnimation(anim1)

local anim2 = tool.Animations:WaitForChild("IdleAnim")
local animtrack2 = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Animator:LoadAnimation(anim2)

	if not debounce then
		debounce = true
		plr.leaderstats.Swing.Value = plr.leaderstats.Swing.Value + details.SwingAmt.Value
		plr.LevelStats.XP.Value = plr.LevelStats.XP.Value + details.XPAmt.Value
		debounce = false



I tested both tools and both work as intended, the animation just doesn’t play. I made the animation myself and uploaded it to my group, where the game is also published. The game is private but I don’t think that should affect the animation.

Anything helps! Thanks!

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Hello ! Humanoid:LoadAnimation() is outdated and might result in error . Instead, you should do Humanoid.Animator: LoadAnimation() . Also, if you play animation on a local script, it automatically get replicated to other clients . Hope this works. If it doesn’t, any chance you can tell us if the text get printed? what priority is the animation you made?


I have that inside the server-based system (just a normal script in the tool) and it still doesn’t work. I do have this error though for every Item which is currently in my backpack:

Only thing is, the ID of my animation is different. The ID is: 16630556492

Other things:

  • The script works, but the animation doesn’t and it doesn’t print anything (I added a print(“Animation played”) whilst doing more tests.
  • The script is from another game (the same game but this is published separately since it’s for testing), and the animation (old animation not the new one I made) also works on that.

Also, what do you mean by:

Thank you!

Try printing something inside the functions to make sure they are firing. Also, make sure the Animation Priority is set to something high (usually Action). You can do it in the Animation Editor or through a script:

animtrack1.AnimationPriority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
animtrack2.AnimationPriority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action

Just curious. Are you the group owner?
I has same problem designing an animation for someone. Uploaded to their group and had Sanitation problems. Sent animation to Group owner to upload himself and walla, it worked…

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hmm. Ngl , I recommand client side animation as it appears to be smoother(less laggy) for the player . However, when using client side animation, you got to use Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(AnimationOBj) so that it will not throw an error .

Also, you need to be owner of the group for it to work in games in your group

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I’ll make a client-sided script which is just for running the animation. Also, I am the owner of the group.

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hmmm that is a bit confusing ngl . I do not really know what is going on either :skull:

Did you try this?

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Yeah I own the group. That’s why I’m really confused why it’s not working.

I’ve been getting this error on a previous animation I had, I don’t use it anymore since I made a new one but it’s still in the game whilst I work on getting this new animation fixed. But to answer your question, yeah I’ve tried that multiple times and I tried looking for other solutions but I can’t find anything.

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