Why is my game not getting likes?

Hey, I recently released a game called “Beach Hotel Tycoon”. For some reason, the game is getting a lot of favorites, but not a lot of likes. Why is this?

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated, I really hope we can figure this out!

Here’s the game link:
Beach Hotel Tycoon!


Well, the <13 year olds who play the game are probably not verified, and can only favorite the game.


This is because your game is very oriented towards <13 users, who’s accounts cannot like or dislike games due to verification. Try making your game appealing to all audiences.


first, your game has floating buy pads. second, your server chat already asked the player for “a favor and like” 0.000001 nanoseconds after the player joining.


You have over 45k visits and over 100 likes in a little over 5 months. I’d be happy. Only a few things I would change myself. A turn off the music button and a bunch of small things floaters, missing parts, clipping parts (just offset them from eachother by a tiny 0.001-ish bit). Looks like you have a nice home to build but that music blew me out. I tried most everything … bikes get stuck or don’t move at all. Sit on the swings sideways. Some ladders you get stuck in if you go too far. It’s like you didn’t really test most of the stuff added to the breaking point. Many little things. Take you about 30 min to fix all I seen. So, over all it’s not bad at all. Just needs a bit more touch up work. I really like the fact you can build up the cash to build the house in game. Like how you did that beach them are so hard to make the other way. The sidewalks are sweet. And the main part of the game seems to be working well.


Ok i will work on changes. Thanks everyone

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How would my game appeal to all audiances?

So how would I make 13+ yearolds play it?

Since your game is a tycoon most of the players will likely be under 13 unfortunately. If you want older players you could add more premium benefits to the game since Premium users are usually a bit older.

Also just by viewing your game’s page it seems that the thumbnail of the game does not match the title which is misleading. This part of the description I would also leave out: ‘IF YOU ARE ADDING ME AS A FRIEND I WONT ACCEPT IT JUST FOLLOW ME PLEASE?’.

Those things might make older players who are more experienced with Roblox not play your game as it looks slightly messy. So I would recommended implementing those changes and seeing if you get more 13+ users playing. Other than that there’s not much you can do. Your game is still growing so over time as it gets more exposure naturally the player base will me more varied.

Edit: you also included a lot of keywords and tags that younger players would search like ‘Beach’, ‘Mansion’, ‘Luxury’ etc. And if you are in need of original images for the thumbnail and icons for your game I would recommend looking through the talent hub to find GFX creators: Talent Hub


Probably it’s because you can like a game only after verifying your email on roblox and you don’t need a veryfied email to favourite. I mean that kids don’t have emails and older pepole with emails don’t usualy play tycoons but as the game will grow and more pepole will see it im sure that you will get likes. So no worries for now.

i mean its just a normal tycoon nothing really special
the map is free models the thumbnails are just stolen youtube thumbnails
theres nothing that makes it any different than any other tycoon but i would say

  1. change the lighting its kinda bad
  2. make the map yourself using free models is just lazy since the map doesnt fit a style there are many free asset packs that are way better than free model
  3. make the game have something different that just a normal tycoon its just your average tycoon with a theme that it barrely follows
  4. make the thumbnails yourself instead of just stealing them from youtube

anyways thats my feedback theres alot of things you can do to make your game better keep trying

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and stealing them from other games

some of them are from this game [GARAGE] Mega Mansion Tycoon - Roblox