Why is my image not loading in roblox studio

Two days ago I made a decal and put it onto an imagelabel, it worked fine however when I came back today none of the image’s will load. the image on roblox has a () sign (error i dont know how to show you what the sign is) All the image is, is a rectangle with rounded images. Does anybody know how to fix this.


Either it simply just doesn’t load or else it got moderated, other than that I know almost nothing about decals.

I would try making a decal with the same image and see what happens. Did you get an email from moderators?

If it gets moderated, uploading the same image will get moderated again. I learnt this myself.

yeah i uploaded the same image again and it has been moderated

i did not get an email from them,.no

You’ll probably need a new image then. I think the moderation is automatic and there’s no way to bypass it. See if there’s anything that could be flagged in the image

So this is pretty much the automated bot removing your content; you can easily have this reversed by following the post I made before below.

Hello, I don’t know if this is the same problem, but every time I import an image… an error occurs. I just crop the image or change it ever so slightly and studio thinks it’s an entirely different image.

  1. If your image is not loading or won’t import, go to the image you want to import in file explorer.
  2. Change it slightly (even by cropping it just a little bit)
  3. Import the newer version of your image.
    Hope this helped,
  • Creative Side B

this idea is good but some how the same thing still happen

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Hmm, try renaming the actual image file, crop it, and give it a different name when importing it.
If that doesn’t work try uploading it on the roblox site under ‘create’.