Why Is There Gaps In-between These Parts?

Hi all! I’ve recently been working on scripting a curve plugin, to aid in building curves. It is going great, however, there are random gaps in-between the parts in the curve:

The desired output is something like this:


Basically, I generate the curve, and plot points routinely along the path. Then, I am connecting the points with parts using the function below. But why are there the gaps?

local NewFolder = --The folder holding the pre-plotted points along the bezier curve.
local FinalFolder = --The folder that ends up holding the final parts.
local Increment = 1/PartCount -- where part count is the number of pre-plotted parts along the curve.
local Start = Increment
local JustCreated = nil

local function StretchPart()
			local pos1 = nil
			local pos2 = nil
			if JustCreated == nil then
				pos1 = NewFolder:FindFirstChild(tostring(0)).Position
				Start = 0 + Increment
				pos1 = NewFolder:FindFirstChild(tostring(Start)).Position
				--pos1 = JustCreated.Position
				Start = Start + Increment
			if  Start < 1 then
				pos2 = NewFolder:FindFirstChild(tostring(Start)).Position
				local newpart = Instance.new("Part")
				--Part front at pos1 and back and pos2
				local v = (pos1 - pos2)
				newpart.Anchored = true
				newpart.CanCollide = false
				newpart.Size = Vector3.new(CurvePart1.Size.X,CurvePart1.Size.Y,v.Magnitude)
				newpart.CFrame = CFrame.new(pos2 + 0.5*v, pos1)
				newpart.Material = NewFolder:FindFirstChild(tostring(Start)).Material
				newpart.Color = NewFolder:FindFirstChild(tostring(Start)).Color
				newpart.Parent = FinalFolder
				JustCreated = newpart


Any help at all is greatly appreciated! I am so close to being done, I just need to fix this error with the gaps between the parts. Thank you!


It is really just this one issue. Once I can get this finished, I’ll be releasing it to the public. Thank you!

It’s basically the same thing but you could try this:

newpart.CFrame = previouspart.CFrame
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Thanks for the reply! Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to solve the problem :frowning:


Could you try without the /2?

I know that F3X building tools have a feature that allow you to orientate from a different centre of rotation - usually from a corner of a part rather than the centre of the object itself. I’m not really sure how this is achieved but that could be a good solution if you find out.


Yeah, I’m going to have to keep experimenting/messing around with it, until I eventually find a solve. I was hoping someone on the forum would have had a similar problem, and know the solve. I need to find a way to replicate movement from a corner, you are right.

For now, at least the plugin looks cool :slight_smile:

Did removing the /2 produce the same problem?

Yeah, the issue persisted. I reverted it back to its original state of

newpart.CFrame = CFrame.new(pos2 + 0.5*v, pos1)

I did a bit of research and used this: How do I rotate from the edge of a part instead of the center position of a part

I made this script:

local RotatePart = workspace.RotatePart

local Offset = CFrame.new(hinge.Size.X/2, 0, hinge.Size.z/2)

local invHingeOffset = Offset:Inverse()
local baseCFrame = hinge.CFrame*Offset

local function SetHingeAngle(angle)
	RotatePart.CFrame = baseCFrame*CFrame.Angles(0, angle, 0)*invHingeOffset*CFrame.new(0,0,RotatePart.Size.z)

local angle = 0
while wait() do
	angle += 0.05

Which has this effect:

There might be a better way of doing it, but it seems to work. :joy:
(In fact I expect you could achieve better results using ToWorldSpace/ToObjectSpace)

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@PerilousPanther had it right the first time. The easiest way is to shift all the parts by half their width so their edges align. You were shifting them by half their length. That will tighten the curve to fill the gaps.

However, that would change the curve so it would no longer touch the two points in the middle, but rather on the edge. If that works for you, great.

If it doesn’t, you’ll need to post more complete code, because what you have is missing some crucial details (such as how you actually loop through positions and calculate the next parts positions other than the start).


If you think about it, you are creating a curve from point A to point B and placing Parts on segments along that curve.
Draw a curve on a piece of paper, then put pieces of paper shaped like your Parts centered on that line at the ends. The outer edges travel around a greater curve, so they are going to be farther apart at their outer edge.
To add to @nicemike40’s comment, if you add half the thickness of the Parts in the beginning then calculate the outer curve, and shift your Parts back in to place the outer edges at those points then you should be fine.

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Gapfill can fix this btw. Or ResizeAlign, both are good, but in this scenario, I’d take ResizeAlign.

Those are decent solutions for building, not so good for scripting.

(they aren’t even really that great solutions for building because usually it means you’re being lazy with your build)

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I got it working finally. Thanks to @PerilousPanther for your answers (which helped a lot), and @nicemike40 and @Scottifly for both helping break down his answer into something I understood a bit better (I can have a bit of a thick head sometimes).
Before, I was attempting to change the length of the parts to cover up the gap. However, I ended up doing as all of you suggested, and shrinking the position by half the width, to get:

newpart.CFrame = CFrame.new(pos2 + .5*v, pos1) * CFrame.new(-.5,0,0) -- Shrinking it by half the width, as was kindly pointed out to me

All of your answers really helped me, when I launch this plugin I’ll be sure to give credit :slight_smile: