Why is this Animation script not working?

still doesn’t work man idk what’s up with this I hope someone can see an issue

I dont own animation but person who owns animation owns the game does that still affect this?

But if it’s published from another place then it’s not going to work.

wdym? its their place and their animation (although I made it)

It can be published from their own library, and it would still not work. It has to be published to the game.

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Doesn’t matter if he owns the place, make sure it’s published at the correct game.


perfect I’ll try this out I really appreciate this ill give solution if it works


where would I be able to find “Publish to game” since it only gives options for group or yourself when u publish it

if the game is connected to the group, then the group.

the game is connected to not a group but the owners account and he owns animation

The owner will have to publish, if you aren’t the owner then you’re just gonna have to wait for him to do it.

they did publish the animation or do they have to publish game and I test in game?

Publish the animation to the game, and then it should work normally.

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sorry for late response just worked a shift at work.
How can you publish it under the game? Show some screenshots please this would be very appreciated.

ok so turns out it’s working studio just wasn’t loading it in sorry for any inconvenience

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