Why is wait() important?

A while true loop with a reachable break or return is not an infinite loop

Infinite loops are where the code never escapes the loop

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ya I know.
That’s what I was tryna say lol

Please don’t ever use this, you’re relying on the fact that wait is going to return a truthy value, in this case, it’s the time it waited for. If roblox ever changes this, this will break.

while true do is more optimised than while wait() do.Why is wait() important? - #22 by LucasMZ_RBX

I doubt Roblox would remove the return from wait given how its useful to developers who want to make time-based animation code etc.


I can see why while true would be more optimized than while wait(). I am an expert a java programming as I literally take 5 hour long classes on saving memory and runtime lol. So, using my experience from that, I would kind of be able to tell why while true is more optimized than while wait()

Just going to leave this here… Not the biggest fan of while wait() do either.

There’s no way they would change wait() to give off the completely opposite signal of what it already does. They are not going to change it as literally major of the platform relies on every way it functions. It’ll continue to work the way it does & they’ll completely take focus away from it.

Most coders recommend not substituting true for wait.

Some say this is because one day wait may not return true.

You can look at some other reasons here:

As long as it doesn’t return nil or false, anything else will be considered true & it’s not directly printing true but actual values based on the wait, which way too many games take use of that it would be one of the last things Roblox want to change. But do they even have a reason to? I don’t think so.

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Even then, the code looks worse and isn’t anymore performant. You’ve saved one line if anything. The literal sounding of the code is also more confusing.

while true do

“While true, wait one second”


while wait(1) do


“While waiting for one second, do what?”

This can and has confused people.

No way people are confusing it like that. No one is gonna make an entire loop just for a wait(), it’s obviously for all your code you want in the loop to run repeateadly.

Most of what I know is it just slows your code down, if you didn’t have wait() your code could slow down your game a lot depending on what the code is doing. Basically you should just try to put it into things you don’t want firing off every 0.001 second.

task.wait is basically a better version of wait because its more accurate.

That’s not the point, the point is the former looks cleaner while the latter just looks like you’re magically expecting wait to return something.

Anyway, lets stop debating.

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There might be that flaw, but wait() doesn’t really wait the exact time you told it to. Use task.wait() instead.

It is good to knowledge that problem though, but I still don’t see that as a reason to stop using task.wait(). Unless you run into that problem, which is rare

Wait() is important because you might need to make the script wait a few seconds.

if ur using a while loop, u need it for the script to not crash

Is there an announcement on this? Feels like a huge change.

Yes, it’s logged here

We will eventually mark the existing methods (spawn, delay, and wait) as deprecated in favor of their alternatives however they will continue to work as they do now for the foreseeable future and we have no plans to change this.

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So same functionality, just not recommended.

Honestly, I don’t think any ROBLOX game’s server will run for long enough to have the wait() affect anything crucial unless you just…don’t code properly. But I’ll start using task.wait() if it really makes that much of a difference.