OP has already found a solution to comparing the Team instance, anyways.
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The TeamImage imagelabel is not changing to visible, even after this line of code is executed
managementEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, teststring, teamCheck)
if teamCheck == Teams.Management then
local NewSlot = script.Parent.LeaderboardFrame.HoldingFrame.Sample:Clone()
NewSlot.Name = player.Name
NewSlot:WaitForChild("TeamImage").Visible = true
What if you make the image visible before you change the name?
managementEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, teststring, teamCheck)
if teamCheck == Teams.Management then
local NewSlot = script.Parent.LeaderboardFrame.HoldingFrame.Sample:Clone()
NewSlot:WaitForChild("TeamImage").Visible = true
NewSlot.Name = player.Name
still not visible, unfortunately
This is dandy and all, but for the sake of being organised, would you mind creating a new topic for this issue instead? Help mark the reply which helped you solve the issue as the Solution of the topic!
The new thread may be found here!
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