Why isn't this image button detecting a click?

Can you provide us a place file so we can look further into this? You don’t really show a visual example of how your UI is either.

Doesn’t work. (limit is very annoying, I do not want to heart your reply)

Well I’m pretty blank. Last thing to check is probably any lines or () forgotten. Or if you accidentally disabled anything.

Here’s a video if that helps.

(I don’t have obs so I can explain anything lol)
But the red area/button and it doesn’t work at all.
Also, if does work, then it should change the value down.

Do you have any script that returns the callback true in ServerScriptService?

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It isn’t in serverscriptserivce but yes I do.

SendReq2.OnServerInvoke = (function(player)
	if player.stats.SkillPointsLeft.Value ~= 0 and player.stats.KnifeSpeed.Value <= 25 then
		player.stats.KnifeSpeed.Value -= 1
		player.stats.SkillPointsLeft.Value += 1
		return true
		return false

But this doesn’t matter, because it its mean to print something when I click the button.

In this line, the server couldn’t have found the player which you are defining.

You may try writing player in InvokeServer’s parameter since you defined the player with
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

I’m out of ideas now. I couldn’t find any other errors.