Why the coins are going back to normal?

I think I might see the issue. It’s because I defined value as the player’s leaderstats, and changed the value to the variable not the stats.

Where you have your server script, change inside the onserverevent to that, but keep everything else the same

     Value = player.leaderstats.Coins.Value
     Value = Value - Cost
     player.leaderstats.Coins.Value = Value

is that ok?

oh wait, remove the player = game.Players.LocalPlayer, since player is defined by the onserverevent function


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if i need help again can i ask to you?

Yeah of course. I’ll try to respond as fast as I can if I’m not busy.

don’t worry. you’re the best. you aren’t rude. 5/5 out of stars. fast. you explained some things that i didn’t know very well! thanks!

i just find out that the coins are going in negative

Oh yeah, you need to make a thing that stop the person from buying something if they don’t have enough money. So something like if Coins >= 200 then and then the part that lets them buy it

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Ok thanks it worked! Thank you

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