Why use radians?

I would like to know why we use radians for functions such as CFrame.Angles() and why it doesn’t accept degrees. I know you can convert degrees to radians, I am just wondering what advantages / disadvantages there are to using radians over degrees, and what the difference is. I am not amazing at CFrame stuff, so if you can try to explain simply. Thanks!

bc radians are better and superior and pi/x > x°

Yeah but why are radians better and why don’t we just use degrees? (not saying radians are bad, just wondering why they are better than degrees).

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bc radians show dominance unlike degrees

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bc its what mathematicians use, degrees are for simple tasks while radians are for trigonometry and stuff which is complex

Yeah but why and what makes radians better over degrees? You are basically just saying they are better because they are used for more complex stuff. I would like an actual reason on why they are used for these things over degrees…

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Radians are skibidi degrees are not

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since this is on topic

Radians are just easier to use. Additionally, it’s the natural representation of the dimensions of a circle (360 degrees in a circle is arbritrary).

In programming, radians may not seem very useful over degrees, but, if you were to physically solve a mathematical equation using radians, you’ll see why they’re so much more useful compared to degrees.

Examine the radians in the unit circle, for example:


They all have the similar pattern of (n)pi/x


Alright, thanks! Is there any reason specifically that CFrame.Angles() accepts radians when it could just accept degrees instead? Or is it just because radians are generally used in this area? Thanks :slight_smile:

I’m not fully sure, but I believe it’s for this reason

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