Why won't buttons work on SurfaceGuis?


Do you know why TextButtons do not work in that case?
They don’t change colors on hover (like this)image

They don’t react to scripts.
It is on a SurfaceGui.

Here’s my code:

function onClick()

for i, v in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do -- Loops in the SurfaceGui
	if v:IsA("TextButton") then -- Checks if it's a TextButton
		v.MouseButton1Click:Connect(onClick) -- Activates

script.Parent.A.MouseButton1Click:Connect(onClick) -- Attempt to check if it was the for loop above causing the issue, didn't fix it.

Any ways to fix this?

Thanks in advance,

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Could we see the scripts you used if that might be the problem?

Sure. Here is my code:

function onClick()

for i, v in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do -- Loops in the SurfaceGui
	if v:IsA("TextButton") then -- Checks if it's a TextButton
		v.MouseButton1Click:Connect(onClick) -- Activates

script.Parent.A.MouseButton1Click:Connect(onClick) -- Attempt to check if it was the for loop above causing the issue, didn't fix it.

The SurfaceGui has to be a parent (or descendant) of the player’s PlayerGui for it to be functional and react to player inputs. You will have to put the gui in StarterGui and change the gui’s Adornee property for it to be visible on the part

Weird, because my second SurfaceGui on the same parts works.

Tried setting the “Adornee” parameter to the “screen” part: It works! Thanks, marking your answer as the answer.