Why wont /Fling command work?

event at .5 seconds, and 200k power, it still barely flings me

Yes the maxForce and maxTorque are an issue with that so change them to what @veilict did

GOD I GOT FLUNG OUT OF THE MAP NOW, OK ITS GOOD THANKS (Gotta turn the power down bro)

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HOLD ON i still have one more issue, it wont fling me up at all

That problem is because of the fling direction being too random, if you want it to be more consistent in going up, heres what you change:

local flingDirection = Vector3.new(math.random(-10, 10), 20, math.random(-10, 10)).unit

well now it only flings me up


What do you want it to specifically do :frowning:

i want it to fling me ina completley random direction, unpredictable flinging. like a mix between the first (flinging me only horizontally) and second (Flinging me only up) versions

you there?

char limitttttttttttttt

local flingDirection = Vector3.new((2 * math.random()) - 1, 2 + 3 * ((2 * math.random()) - 1), (2 * math.random()) - 1).Unit

I saw an error in this code so i fixed it:

local flingDirection = Vector3.new((2 * math.random() - 1), (10 + 20 * (2 * math.random() - 1)), (2 * math.random() - 1)).Unit

still always fling me up. even without boundaries it still 100% of the time flings me directly up

Not necessary, I fixed it already lol

now it only flighs me up or down? im not sure if you guys dont understand what i want, or the code is just not working right

here just make the direction more random on the x and z axis and change the flingPower:

local flingDirection = Vector3.new(math.random(-30, 30), 20, math.random(-30, 30)).unit
local flingPower = 500

its a little more random, but still mostly up and down

@Vortexuel560 Use this. I edited its power per component.

Its good now! thanks guysssssss