March 3, 2021, 1:32pm
My game has a lot of parts and it’s laggy a bit, will making them unions reduce lags?
Unifying random parts will not reduce the number of polygons in your game, and therefore will not reduce lag. Alternatively you should try to reduce the number of collision surfaces in your game, and disable any shadows on parts which don’t need to cast shadows.
You can find more about ways to improve performance here .
For more insight on this:
Hi, do unions slow down the game?
There are a lot of them in my game and I don’t know whether to start removing them or not, because it is a bit tiring to create new perfect parts.
What do you think, leave them or delete them?
And please do not give other forums because I have already read them and
I didn’t find the answer.
If I make something a union will it cause lag? Each time I make a game, and when I try to move the model around I grouped it caused me serious lag, I’ve even tried deleting some of the parts. Is there a way how I can avoid this problem?
Hello there, my name is Dataspec, also known as Sy.
I have a decent amount of building experience and recently got into modelling
Example of a map I built I will just post a link to one of my projects, a Tower Defence Simulator map submission.
<a href="https://www.roblox.com/games/3622255030/Jungle-Madness">https://www.roblox.com/games/3622255030/Jungle-Madness</a>
I have been using unions for quite some time now and I have been wondering whether they actually do or do no…
March 3, 2021, 1:39pm
Thanks for your answer! I use all the methods you told me. Do you suggest to like separate the unions and make them parts back?