Wind Shake: High performance wind effect for leaves and foliage

I can’t seem to get it to work,
I used tag editor plugin and gave 3 parts the tag, but it does nothing. The module doesn’t even run

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How do I use modules? And how do I apply the shake to certain parts?


Did you require the module and call Init?



How to get the Wind Shake module functional

Step 1
Install the plugin Tag Editor

Step 2
Open the Tag Editor Plugin and select Add new tag and name it “WindShake” then press Enter

Step 3
Select any Part Objects that you want to be affected by the WindShake module and go to your Tag Editor plugin and select your newly created WindShake tag

Step 4
Create a local script to init the starting function of the module, Assuming you have it parented to ReplicatedStorage you will do


Inside of the script.

Step 5
Enjoy your newly created Wind Effect!

If you run into any issues don’t be afraid to ask.


Yeah I did that but I found out I forgot one part, it works now

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  • Events
  • Removed support of deprecated dictionary names

There are now five RBXScriptSignals that you can connect to that help you intergrate WindShake with your systems.


	print(Object, "was added to WindShake!")

Plugin Release!

No more programming needed, no more tag editor plugin, no more manual attribute creation. No more pressing play to see what a tweaked value looks like.
Everything WindShake, made simple.


  • Import
    Don’t know any programming, but want WindShake running in your game? Import brings in the latest WindShake module and a script that’ll get it up and running right away. One click is all it takes.

  • Preview
    Having to playtest your game just to see what WindPower value looks best is… annoying. Preview fixes that by allowing you to see your models shaking in a ViewportFrame! Rather than naively displaying only your selected leaves, it brings in the entire model so you get to see your leaves relative to the trunk and branches. It also has a direction display in the corner to keep you oriented.

  • Simplified Tools
    CollectionService tags that aren’t viewable without special plugins? Attributes that need to be manually created by you? No more! The plugin handles all that stuff internally, and exposes it in a familiar “properties” style that’ll get you working quickly and easily.


This is the MVP release, so don’t hesitate to send feature requests and bug reports! My DMs are open.


I would like to see the selection list expandable so I don’t have to scroll down in a tiny window of all the things I am selecting, within the plugin & preview larger in size

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Hey there! I have a question about the plugin: Does this also have any effect on the player model (drag, lift etc.) It would be a nice option to add, in my opinion.

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Looks great! But how do I remove this menu?

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Attempting to work with thousands of objects but as soon as I click away/deselect them, studio closes instantly.

Current workaround as I discovered is to close the plugin window and then deselect the objects before going forward with what I am doing

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Is there a way to create certain zones on the map where the wind lines/wind effect is disabled?

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Just don’t tag the trees with the windshake tag

Would the wind lines automatically also disappear in that area, then? Or do I have to remove those separately?

This is really helpful! Makes trees, bushes, and flags look more alive, thanks.

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How would you make the wind disappear when indoors?
also this is amazing it looks so nice, i use it in all my places.

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Is there a way to anchor the shaking to the bottom of the part that is shaking? Such as if I have a tree that is all 1 mesh, and i want it to be anchored from the bottom so it doesn’t look like the whole tree is just wobbling from the center… even the bottom moving out of place like some possessed thing. Hahaha. Is there a setting i can set? Or do i have to add one in there?

This would greatly help me (and tons of other developers) as well. I’m not even sure where I’d start if I tried to attempt to script this myself.

This would help anything that’s in the ground (trees, plants, bushes) look more realistic.

Good request, opened an issue regarding this idea.


Let me rephrase… i mean, there is no way to manually add this into the module? I have an idea of what i might do to try it out, what you could do, (And i may attempt this on my own), is add a paramater for pivot offset in when you create a new shake instance. If it isn’t nil, then it will follow that pivot offset. Even maybe have presets for bottom, left, right, top etc.